Asbestos Worker Safety
Category: Health and Safety
Course Preview:
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Course Materials:
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Course Description:
This 2-day course is designed to meet the requirements for the
OSHA Class III Asbestos Worker found in 29 CFR 1926.1101(k)(9)(v). EPA staff coordinating or conducting Superfund asbestos sampling activities may be exposed to asbestos above a permissible exposure limit and should receive equivalent training. The course was developed to address the specific safe work practices used during Superfund sampling activities since they are not adequately covered by the curriculum found in 40 CFR 763.92(a)(2). The course will also provide On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) with information needed to successfully
manage a project where asbestos contamination is evaluated and removed. The course provides the minimum
safety training needed to conduct soil sampling during a Removal Site
Evaluation (RSE) or Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and provides information about all aspects of asbestos work.
Note: This training does not meet the Asbestos NESHAP requirements to conduct
asbestos inspections in Schools, or Public or Commercial Buildings. Additional
training would be required if EPA personnel are conducting an AHERA/ASHARA
inspection, acting as a Supervisor of an abatement crew, or performing actual
asbestos abatement.
At the end of the course, participants will have an understanding of:
- The basics of asbestos and the forms
of asbestos (include Libby amphiboles and other non-ACBM types), and past and
current uses.
- The health risks associated with
asbestos exposure.
- The likely exposure situations for
RPM, OSC, and other Superfund support personnel while conducting Superfund Site Work.
- The various Federal asbestos laws and
- EPA's risk-based cleanup/action levels
and the Superfund Asbestos Framework.
- The standard procedures and work practice
controls to protect workers from asbestos exposure, including personal
protective donning and doffing and respiratory protection.
- The principals of asbestos air
sampling, air sample analysis, bulk sampling and bulk sampling analysis
including Superfund-specific sampling methods.
- Asbestos disposal requirements.
Instructional methods include a combination of lectures, case studies, and group discussions. The course will also include a practical, hands-on training component.
This course meets the classroom and hands-on instruction requirements for the OSHA Class III Asbestos Worker as defined in 29 CRF 1926.1101(k)(9)(v). Participants will obtain and OSHA Class III Asbestos Worker-equivalent certification.
This course is open to EPA staff, but priority will be given to OSCs.
Initial Course Length – 16 hours;
Refresher Course
Length – 4 hours, required annually
Continuing Education Units: 1.5