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Planning Section Chief

Category: ICS KLP

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This course is intended for U.S. EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who have successfully completed Incident Command System I-100, 200, 300, 400, IS-700b and IS-800d, level courses and who have been identified to fulfill the Planning Section Chief position on an Incident Management Team.

Course Preview:

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Course Materials:

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Course Description:

This 4-day course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Planning Section Chief on a Type 2 Incident Management Team. Specific topics include: Resource Unit Leader (RESL), Situation Unit Leader (SITL), Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL) and Environmental Unit Leader (ENVL) functional position review; information gathering and evaluation; strategies, meetings and briefings; Incident Action Plan preparation; interactions and information exchange; forms, documents and supplies; and demobilization and closeout.

This course is intended for U.S. EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who have successfully completed Incident Command System I-100, 200, 300, 400, IS-700b and IS-800d level courses and who have been identified to fulfill the Planning Section Chief position on an Incident Management Team.

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe incident information needs, data gathering methods and data evaluation processes.
  • Describe the PSC role in the transition briefing, the planning review meeting, the operational briefing, and other meetings and briefings.
  • Describe the components of the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and who is responsible for preparing them.
  • Describe the PSC role in the preparation of the IAP and other documents.
  • Describe specific elements of the Situation Report (SitRep) and identify the ICS functional units responsible for generating each element.
  • Conduct an operational briefing.
  • Describe demobilization planning and IMT closeout procedures.

Continuing Education Units: 3.0

In compliance with Executive Order 13589 - Promoting Efficient Spending, Section 5; the ERTP will not be regularly printing or providing students hard copies of the course manual. A link to an electronic copy of the student manual for personal printing or e-reading has been provided in the Courses Materials section of this page.