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Air Monitoring for Emergency Response

Category: Air Monitoring

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Course Preview:

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Course Materials:

generic AMFER agenda - 2024

Course Description:

This 2-day course instructs participants in the practices and procedures for monitoring airborne hazardous materials.  It is designed for personnel who evaluate airborne releases of hazardous materials.  Evaluation of worker exposure to these releases is emphasized.

Topics covered include air monitoring strategies, techniques, and equipment; instrument calibration; instrument limitations; exposure guidelines; air dispersion modeling; and health-and- safety considerations.  The course will include operating procedures for specific air monitoring equipment, but students are encouraged to bring their own instruments to the course.  The focus is on direct-reading instruments, but air sample collection and field analytical instruments are discussed.

Instructional methods include a combination of lectures, group discussions, problem-solving sessions, and hands-on use of instruments.

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Properly use the following types of air monitoring equipment:
    • Combustible gas indicators
    • Oxygen monitors
    • Detector tubes
    • Toxic gas monitors
    • Photoionization detectors
    • Flame ionization detectors
  • Identify the operational parameters, limitations, and data interpretation requirements for the instruments listed above, plus chemical warfare agent detectors, air sample collectors, and certain field analytical technologies.
  • Identify the factors to be considered in the development of air monitoring plans.
  • Discuss the use of air monitoring data for the establishment of personnel and operations health and safety requirements.

ABIH (American Board of Industrial Hygienists) has previously awarded CM (Certification Maintenance) credit for this event. The current event contains 16 hours which can be claimed from ABIH for CM credit.

In compliance with Executive Order 13589 - Promoting Efficient Spending, Section 5; the ERTP will not be regularly printing or providing students hard copies of the course manual. A link to an electronic copy of the student manual for personal printing or e-reading has been provided in the Courses Materials section of this page.


*This course is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*